Modify your membership

You can easily upgrade or downgrade your subscription yourself in SportBit. To do so, go to the shop in the app and select your desired new subscription.  

Please note, a downgrade starts on the first day of the next month.  An upgrade is automatically settled via direct debit and takes effect immediately. So you can use your extra credits right away!

You can pause your subscription at any time for a minimum of one full calendar month.

Be sure to give at least 10 days notice of your desired effective date by filling out the form below or emailing 

Your subscription cannot be paused indefinitely. In addition to a start date, please let us know immediately when the subscription may become active again.

Request subscription pause

To cancel your subscription there is a notice period of one month. If your subscription started less than three months ago, you can only cancel after three months.

Cancellation form

We're sad to see you go. Can you please answer these following questions about why you're leaving us?